The Indian Textile Industry in 2005
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Case Code : BSTR163 Case Length : 20 Pages Period : 2005 Organization : - Pub Date : 2005 Teaching Note :Not Available Countries : India Industry : Textile
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This case study was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion. It is not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. Nor is it a primary information source.
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"It is difficult to find such a large-scale industry in
the country that is so disorganized as the Indian textile industry."1
-Arvind Singhal, Chairman, KSA Technopak, in 2004.
"We have acted, but very late. The industry is backloaded
with the technological obsolescence and sub-scale of operations."2
-S P Oswal, Chairman, Vardhman Group, in 2005.
"Indian players also need to focus on reduction in lead
time through cost-cutting measures, as many a time the low labour cost benefit
gets offset by the high infrastructure expense."3
-Sampa Bhasin, Associate Director, Ernst & Young Pvt. Ltd.,
in 2005.
Global trade in textiles and apparel4 is
expected to increase from US$ 356 billion in 2003 to US$ 600 billion by 2010.5
The textile industry accounted for 22% of India's Rs 2,551 billion exports in
2002-03 and 17 percent of India's total exports of Rs 1,070 billion during
April-July 2004. It has been predicted that post-January 2005 (Refer Exhibit I
for details about MFA) India's share in apparel exports would increase from 2.5
per cent in 2003-04 to 5 per cent by 2008. In 2003-04, 75 per cent of India's
apparel exports were to USA, the European Union and Canada (Refer Figure I).
India's share in the global textile trade was forecasted to grow the fastest of
all countries, post-MFA, as its quota allocation in developed countries during
the MFA was among the lowest.
The growth of the Indian textile industry right from the 1970s has been
adversely affected by the quota regime, lack of industry-friendly government
policies and technological obsolescence.
Yet, the
industry thrived because of the assured business under the quota system.
To meet the challenges of the post-MFA setup, the Government of India (GoI)
established an industry reforms process, which aimed to remove the
handicaps arising from small-scale reservation and cumbersome procedures
associated with the tax regime in India.6
Vision 2010, a plan which was the result of interaction between the
government and the industry, has envisaged growth in the textile
industry from US$ 36 billion (Rs 1609 billion) in 2003-04 to US$ 85
billion (Rs 3697 billion) by 2010, giving an annual growth target of
11-12 percent. Vision 2010 also proposes the creation of an additional
12 million jobs. |
Competitiveness of Indian Textile Industry
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